Friday, August 31, 2012

First Run

First run clocked in at 0.86 miles in 10:47. I feel like my chest is going to explode, but it's a good kinda feeling! Right? ...right.

Yesterday, I stocked up on running shorts and some loose athletic shirts at Walmart. And by stocking up, I mean I bought two. Hey. It's a start. Everything I had in the athletic clothes department was from when I was working out to get married. SIX years ago. Yeah, that shit ain't gonna fit now.

I bought new ear-buds to use with my phone. I wasn't sure what I was going to pick up when I went in. And let's get real, I was at Wal-Mart people. Its not like they were going to have a huge selection and top of the line. They were pretty generic cotton-candy colored ear-buds. I had grabbed a pair of nondescript black ones when, at the last second, I caught sight of Sony's Sports Headphones. They were sleek, modern and for five bucks more promised not to piss me off by falling out of my ears every five seconds. Winning!

During my run this morning, they were perfect. Comfortable. Stayed in place. Didn't jiggle or move about. The sound was consistent. So far, so good.

For tracking my run, I used a new app for my phone called Zombies, Run! by Six to Start. It's an interval training tool with a story. Basically, you are Runner 5 dropped in to help survivors against a horde of zombies. Along the way, you pick up items you'll need to survive (med-kits, water, food, etc) and will return them back to your base, a virtual space where these supplies help build up your resistance against the horde and unlock the next chapter. Zombies will chase you at certain  intervals encouraging you to up your speed for bursts while running. You get encouragement from other characters in the story. It's great.

Except when you run in the dark. Then, its a freaking nightmare to hear moans and scratching sounds coming in from all sides. Seriously. I had to keep reminding myself I could just stop the game if I wanted to. They weren't real. Zombies aren't REAL! Okay, so maybe I'll lay off the coffee some.

All in all, I think I did alright on my first run. I'm going to try to get out at least three days a week. Rest on the weekends. Start out slow. That's what Jay keeps telling me every time I yell about ripping it up on the asphalt. I suppose there's some sense to what he says. All I know is I'm doing it. I'm running. And, it's pretty freaking cool.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

And, we're off!

Two weeks ago, I found out about the Run for your Life Zombie 5K run. It's a 5K obstacle run held in several cities between the US & Canada. It looks amazing! Don't trust me? Then check out the promo video they made for it.

I'm gonna do this shit! I can do it! No really, I can. And, I will. It's a promise I am making to myself. To you. To my friends and my family. To the masses out there reading this, I will run this 5K.

I have wanted needed to get into shape. It's shameful and I need to be healthy again. I don't have the money to pay for a gym membership and certainly not a trainer. I know myself and I know that I need motivation or else I'm just gonna stop getting up in the morning because... well, sleep is so much easier. I figure, if I can't pay someone to bust my balls and get me going on this, then I'll just manipulate someone else into doing it. My buddy Jay is that lucky person. He was silly enough to agree to do this with me! Suckah!!

Funny thing is, he lives in Vancouver. Yup... that's right. Mother. Freaking. Canada. Together, we're gonna do this. 3000 miles apart. How cool is that shit?

So hang out, grab a bottle of water and watch us fly! Cause when that zombie apocalypse crap happens, we're gonna be ready for it.