Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shin splints suck!

I tried walking again yesterday since Monday had gone rather well. I got about 3/4 of a mile in and it just hurt too much to continue. So, I'm going back to instituting a full week of rest. Icing and ibuprofen help after the fact, but the splints are still there. I am stretching as often as I think about it during the day to keep things loose.

Of course this comes when NC is having the most beautiful weather I've seen in years. Cool days. Loads of sunshine. Almost no bugs. It's amazing. *sigh*

I've decided that I'm going to have my shoes, inserts and stride analyzed over at Fleet Feet once my shins are acceptable. I need some pro tips and these seem to be the people to go to. Hopefully, they'll be able to help me out without totally destroying my wallet.

Meanwhile, I found this good video on forefoot running that I think is helping me to see how I need to run better.

1 comment:

  1. god. . .that music makes me want to shoot myself.

    While I'm not the smartest guy around, I feel as if that little video didn't really tell you much other than "Buy Vibrams".

    When I was having some issues with my knees earlier this summer, I found this video to be very informative:

